PERSADA Releases Inspirational Book on Studying in Japan

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In collaboration with the Office of International Affairs (OIA) and the UPT Library & E-Learning of Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK), PERSADA (Perhimpunan Alumni dari Jepang) has recently published a book titled Fukubukuro. This book features inspirational stories from several alumni from Aceh who have pursued their studies abroad, specifically in Japan.

The book was launched during a Guest Lecture event featuring Mr. Asano Shunya, Vice Consul, Consulate General of Japan in Medan, on Tuesday, 28 May 2024, at the USK Library.

“This book is the result of a year-long collaboration among PERSADA members, containing various experiences and information about Japan for the public. We hope this book inspires young Indonesians to pursue education and careers anywhere, especially in Japan,” said Dr. Asri Gani, Chairman of PERSADA, represented by PERSADA Secretary Dr. Nizamuddin, during the book release event.

Expressing his gratitude for the authors’ initiative, Dr. Muzailin Affan, the Chairman of OIA and PERSADA Vice Chairman, remarked on the inspirational nature of Fukubukuro. He hopes the book will motivate students to study in Japan or other countries.

At the launch event, PERSADA donated copies of the book to several parties, including the Vice Consul, Consulate General of Japan in Medan, the UPT Library & E-learning of USK, and Junior High School of SMPN 1 Pulo Aceh, officially received by Principal Mrs. Ailisa Mevta.

Fukubukuro contains nearly a dozen stories, predominantly personal experiences of living in Japan from the 1990s to the 2020s. These accounts cover experiences in various cities across Japan, spanning over a dozen locations.

The stories are diverse, contributed by individuals who not only attended university in Japan but also those who attended elementary and secondary schools, worked, participated in short exchanges, or accompanied family members.

Such narratives will benefit not only those interested in further studies or working in Japan but also readers seeking to understand Japanese culture from the perspective of Indonesians, particularly those from Aceh. The book will also be useful for readers reflecting on experiences and observations of living outside their comfort zones.

For those who have lived in Japan, this book can evoke nostalgia and potentially inspire them to write. For young readers, it can serve as an inspiration to study or work in Japan and apply these lessons critically in their daily lives.

The stories and authors compiled in the book Fukubukuro include Pintar Saja Tidak Cukup by Hesti Meilina, Balada Mahasiswa Asing di Negeri Matahari Terbit by Yusdar Zakaria, Meraih Asa di Kota Tsukuba by Rita Andini, Seeking Hope in Tsukuba City by Rita Andinil, Cerita dari Kota Neraka by Hijrah Saputra, Masa SMA Di Negeri Sakura by Niva Adillah, Nagoya Punya Cerita by Billal Faranov, To-Chi yang Tak Terlupakan by Nurhasanah, Mencari Salju ke Kodomo No Kuni by Mulla Kemalawaty, Bayar SPP Program Doktor dengan Upah Loper Koran by Asri Gani & Sylvia Agustina, Chari Gari by Wina SW1, Masa Kecil yang Indah by Rizqina Maulida, Tokyo Tetap Istimewa by Fitri Arnia Afifuddin Munadi, dan Silaturahmi PMAJ by Mulla Kemalawaty.

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