Enhancing Quran Learning through Ulul Albab

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Students from UPSI visited Syiah Kuala University in order to learn about religion and Aceh histories, Arabic class or Tafsir, and build Islamic characters through a program called Ulul Albab. The Ulul Albab program brought several classes that taught by experts from its field such as Prof. Mustanir for Al-Quran and Science class, Drs. Mawardi Umar for Aceh Art and Culture class, Prof. Azman Ismail for Arabic class, Teungku Jamaica and Edi Fadhil for Creativity and Innovation classes, and Prof. Yusni Sabi for Islamic Character class.

The main purpose of the program is to create Al-Quran-based generations who are capable in Arabic and English, and produce leaders of Ulul Albab for societies who are confident, creative, and competitive in global scale with three concepts in mind “Quranic, Encyclopedic, and Ijtihad”.

However, outside of the class, the students visited an elementary school of SD Percontohan 67 to imply what they have learned in the class by teaching English for kids by using a certain cheerful method of teaching and bringing out characters of Islamic. After that, the students visited oyster farming place in Alue Naga, and several Tsunami sites. 

The Ulul Albab program was held for one week starting from 23-28 June 2019.

The students were welcomed by Dr. Hizir, vice rector of Syiah Kuala University on June 23rd, 2019.

#UPSI #UlulAlbab

Categories: Activities