About Us


Prof. MarwanThe initial phases of development of Universitas Syiah Kuala were very unique since it was initiated by the academicians, religious scholars and traders of Aceh living in Medan, Jakarta, Penang, Teluk Intan, Port Klang and Singapore.  The concept for the development developed by the prominent leaders was proposed to Aceh Provincial Government, Chief Military Commander and Police Headquarter in Banda Aceh and to Ir. Soekarno, the first president of Indonesia. A special monument for the development was built and the plague for the establishment of the university was signed by the President that can be seen till today at the monument.

The first two guest houses, a complete campus of the Faculty of Economics, four blocks academic buildings for the first few different faculties and more than 50 houses for the management of the university, lecturers and staff were fully donated by Acehnese traders. Leading national academicians from Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung and Yogjakarta were invited to teach the first five years of students of the university, funded by the traders and coordinated by the Provincial Government of Aceh. The first President of Indonesia, therefore, called it as the Heart of Acehnese peoples.

The university started its programs from focusing on fulfilling the needs of human capacity for the province to research and community services.  It is now one of the three best universities outside of Java with the ranking of A (Andalas University in Padang, Hasanuddin University in Makassar and Universitas Syiah Kuala in Aceh). It is one of the best overall webometrics ranking in Indonesia and the fourth best in terms of excellence, after Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta, Bandung Institute of Technology in Bandung, and Gajah Mada University in Yogjakarta, as published by the “webometrics.info” as January 2016.

The management of the university and all of its institution is working hard to prepare itself and its graduates to enter and participate in the new era of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) as declared in Kuala Lumpur in September 2015.  All ASEAN countries will be united as a new community called “ASEAN Economics Community” starting from the year 2016. Collaboration and cooperation among all universities within ASEAN will be a must and all programs would be standardized to meet the needs of the new community of ASEAN and competable with other communities in the world.

Rector of Universitas Syiah Kuala,

Prof. Dr. Ir. Marwan, IPU


Syiah Kuala University has a vision to establish itself to be an innovative, independent and outstanding university in science, technology, humanities, sports & arts and community services to produce qualified graduates morally acceptable by the community with respectable ethical values.


  1. To implement “Tri Dharma – three devotations” of higher learning institutions that support local, national and international development by utilizing available local, national and international resources. 
  2. To enhance academic quality in order to produce highly competitive graduates. 
  3. To apply integrated quality management in the field of education through the application of transparent, participatory, efficient and productive principles. 
  4. To continuously strengthen and broaden the network of institutional cooperation in the effort for developing and preserving the findings of sciences, technology, humanities, sports & arts. 


Dr. Muzailin Affan, M.Sc


Dr. Mailizar, S.Pd., M.Ed
Vice Director


Talbani Farlian, S.E., M.A.
Coordinator for International Collaboration
Izzan Nur Aslam, S.T., M.Eng.
Coordinator for Promotion &
International Mobility


Ria Ervilita, S.Pd., M.Sc
Manager for Project Planning & Collaboration


Dini Andalia Dewi, S.Pd
Administration Staff
Rahmi Hidayati, S.Pd
Publication & Documentation Staff
Muhajir, S.Kom.
General Affairs Staff
Dwi Juniyana, S.Pd., M.AppLing.
Strategic Planning & Collaboration Staff