USK and IFI Present Study in France with Scholarships Info Session

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Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK), under Office of International Affairs (OIA) coordination, in collaboration with the Institut Français Indonesia (IFI), held an Info Session titled “Opportunities to Pursue Higher Education in France with Scholarships” on Wednesday, 4 September 2024, at the USK Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Auditorium. During the event, students were provided with exclusive information regarding scholarships and mobility opportunities in France.

The session was officially opened by the Vice-Rector for Planning, Partnerships, and Business, Prof. Dr. Ir. Taufiq S., M.Eng., IPU. In his opening remarks, Prof. Taufiq emphasized the importance of the event, stating, “This information session is not just an event, it’s a gateway to boundless opportunities. The goal of today’s session is to motivate and guide USK students to pursue higher education in France, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, with scholarships that will unlock academic excellence and global exposure.”

Antoine Bricout, University and Higher Education Cooperation Attaché from the French Embassy in Indonesia, also spoke briefly, noting that many French universities offer international students the chance to continue their education across various fields of study, often accompanied by scholarships.

The event invited a key speaker, Nur Hidayah, Head of Campus France Medan from the French Embassy in Indonesia. She gave an overview of the French education system and detailed pathways to secure scholarships for studying in France, including programs such as LPDP, IISMA, France Excellence Eiffel, France Excellence, Beasiswa Indonesia Maju, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus+, and scholarships from Indonesia’s Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.In particular, the LPDP scholarship program offers 40 universities for students to choose from, including prestigious institutions like Sorbonne Université, Université Paris-Saclay, Université Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, and Université Grenoble Alpes.

For those concerned about language, France also offers 52 English-language programs across fields such as the green economy, health, creative industries, marine sciences, engineering, entrepreneurship, and information technology.

“France, as one of the most popular study destinations globally, ranks fifth and is home to 400,000 international students as of 2023,” she shared during her presentation.

Students attending the event were highly enthusiastic and motivated by the scholarship opportunities presented. This was evident from the many questions raised during the forum. In addition to USK students, attendees also included students from UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh, Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena, and Universitas Serambi Mekah.

Prior to the session, Antoine Bricout, Nur Hidayah, and Pogy Kurniawan, Director of Alliance Française Medan, paid a visit to USK Rector Prof. Ir Marwan in his office. Prof. Marwan warmly welcomed the delegation, noting, “Recently, USK sent three lecturers to France, one of whom visited Sorbonne Université.”

“We hope this meeting will strengthen and expand USK partnerships with French higher education institutions,” Prof. Marwan added.

Antoine Bricout expressed gratitude for the rector’s welcome and voiced optimism about the collaboration, aiming to bridge the gap between French and Indonesian universities. He highlighted the successful academic activities already in place, such as public lectures, short visits, and regional development projects.

“One of the primary goals of this partnership is to focus on Ph.D. programs and research. We aim to build global connections with USK through scientific research,” Bricout explained.

The meeting also touched on potential collaborations in student mobility and research. Notably, discussions revolved around USK leading research on patchouli, for which Aceh is renowned as a leading global producer of high-quality patchouli oil. Regarding student mobility, the delegation offered insights into potential partner universities for collaboration with USK.

Present at the meeting were Prof. Dr. Ir. Taufiq S., M.Eng., IPU, and Dr. Muzailin Affan, M.Sc., Head of USK’s Office of International Affairs (OIA).

Categories: Activities