Indonesia and Japan Mark the 11th Years Japan Great Earthquake and Tsunami Commemoration
Office of International Affairs (OIA), Universitas Syiah Kuala, marked the 11th years Japan great earthquake and tsunami disaster that devastated the northern region of Japan on 11 March 2011, 11 March 2022 at the Aceh Tsunami Museum.
“In this year, the the event took a theme in Acehnese language, called Titie Yang Na Lam Atee Kamoe, which means The Bridge in Our Heart, as the symbol of the closeness of Aceh and Japan”, said Dr. Muzailin Affan, the chairman of OIA, on his reflection speech.
“Earthquake and tsunami disaster that hit Aceh on 26 December 2004 and Japan on 11 March 2011 unites Aceh and Japan. It means that we are together in disaster matters, where there is no limit of the country border or passport. We all feel the same sorrow toward the damage and loss of life. As the mentioned theme, the bridge will never break, so the cooperation between Indonesia and Japan, especially in Aceh, will keep continuing”, he added.
Dr. Muzailin Affan also led the moment of silence during the commemoration to remember and pray for the victims of disasters.
At the event, Syafwina, an alumnus from a university in Japan, shared her experiences of staying in Japan and helping the victim of the earthquake and tsunami disaster 2011, and a group of Acehnese children performed a Japanese motivational song.
In addition, this commemoration is a collaborative event organized by Aceh Japan Forum, that is chaired by H. Teuku Panlima, in collaboration with Aceh Culture and Tourism Office, Aceh Tsunami Museum, Office of International Affairs of Universitas Syiah Kuala, Master Student of Disaster Management of Universitas Syiah Kuala, Kogetsu School, Association, My Zero Waste Hero Academia Aceh and donors in Aceh.